Ohio Linuxfest = Great

Ohio Linuxfest = Great

*In my talk I asked how many people use Ubuntu. This was the result. Wow.* A few days ago I headed to Columbus, Ohio to take part in [Ohio Linuxfest](https://www.ohiolinux.org/). I was there to provide the closing keynote – a new presentation that I have been...
Building Belonging

Building Belonging

Just wanted to let you know that I am confirmed for a keynote at [Ohio Linux Fest](https://www.ohiolinux.org/) and I am working on a brand spanking new presentation called *Building Belonging*. Should be a corker. Well, I hope so. Look forward to seeing you all in...
Keynoting OhioLinuxFest

Keynoting OhioLinuxFest

I am pleased to announce that I will be keynoting at the [Ohio LinuxFest](https://www.ohiolinux.org/). I have heard great things about the show, and never been there before, so I look forward to seeing everyone there. The talk will be brand new, and I am just...
Life ain’t dull

Life ain’t dull

Right now I am over in beautiful Prague for [FossCamp](https://www.fosscamp.org/) and the [Ubuntu Developer Summit](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Intrepid). Running and attending these events is always a real treat – there is always a genuine feeling of free...
Life ain’t dull

Lost In TV-land

Last week while in the US, I did an interview with my good friend Barton George from Sun, for the [Sun Developer Network](https://developers.sun.com/) – in it we talk Ubuntu, packaging, LugRadio, the vocal minority and more. It was a heck of a lot of fun to do,...