

Working like an animal right now, hence little in the way of blogging. I am microblogging where I can though on [my Twitter](https://twitter.com/jonobacon) and [my identi.ca](https://identi.ca/jonobacon) feeds (using the excellent Gwibber). Some real quick links...
Stick To ‘Em

Stick To ‘Em

This weekend I am heading over to Los Angeles for [SCALE](https://scale7x.socallinuxexpo.org/). In addition to [speaking](https://scale7x.socallinuxexpo.org/conference-info/speakers/jono-bacon), attending the [Ubuntu Global Bug...
Attending SCALE

Attending SCALE

Where are you going to be at 1.30pm on Sat 21st Feb 2009? I know where I will be. I will be speaking at the *always excellent* [SoCal Linux Expo](https://scale7x.socallinuxexpo.org/) in Los Angeles. There I will be delivering my talk *Building Belonging*, exploring...