Write a Charm, Win $10,000!

Write a Charm, Win $10,000!

Many of you will be familiar with [Juju](https://juju.ubuntu.com/), the powerful cloud orchestration platform we have been building. Ubuntu has become the most popular Operating System in the world for cloud deployments, and Juju brings a powerful orchestration...
Mir For Everyone

Mir For Everyone

Earlier today [Mark Shuttleworth blogged](https://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1269) about the evolution of [Mir](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir), the powerful display server we are building as one component in the Ubuntu convergence story across desktops, phones,...
Ubuntu Carrier Advisory Group Updates

Ubuntu Carrier Advisory Group Updates

A few weeks ago we [announced the Ubuntu Carrier Advisory Group](https://ubuntu-cag.com/) (CAG). The CAG is designed to provide a place where carriers can help influence the development and requirements of Ubuntu for smartphones. The founding members of the CAG were...