Hardy Release Parties – Bring. It. On.

Hardy Release Parties – Bring. It. On.

24/4/2008. *24th April 2008*. **April the twenty fourth two thousand and eight**. Get that date in your head – it is when the next version of Ubuntu is released – Ubuntu 8.04, the Hardy Heron. As with previous releases we would love to see our incredible...
Langridge. Fail.

Langridge. Fail.

Interesting conversation yesterday: * **Stuart ‘Aq’ Langridge** – “*Yeah, its pretty wicked, y’know, because, I listen that site that streams Commodore 64 music, it is unbelievable greatness.*” * **Jono** – “*Commodore...
Couple o’interviews

Couple o’interviews

For the bored, last week I did a few interviews: * [The Bungee Line](https://bungee-media.s3.amazonaws.com/audio/The-Bungee-Line-2008-11-Jono-Bacon.mp3) – interview with my good buddy Ted Haeger covering Ubuntu and our community. * [Linux Link Tech...
Hardy Release Parties – Bring. It. On.

First LugRadio Live USA 2008 Exhibitors Confirmed!

Organisation for [LugRadio Live USA 2008](https://lugradio.org/live/USA2008/start) on the 12th and 13th April 2008 in San Francisco coninues apace, and we are in the process of confirming exhibitors. Our first raft of exhibitors have just been confirmed, and I can...
Couple o’interviews

brainstorm.ubuntu.com, bow chicka wah wah

[Diggity Digg Da Digg Digg Diggity Digg](https://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Brainstorm_Launched)! One of the toughest challenges when building a Linux distribution is trying to ensure we are solving the problems and feature-gaps that are affecting our users – we...
Installfest for schools in the USA

Installfest for schools in the USA

Just wanted to plug a rather cool looking installfest for schools that is using Ubuntu on recycled computers and organised by the [Untangle](https://www.untangle.com/) folks. They are performing a bunch of installs over a number of locations including San Francisco,...
Installfest for schools in the USA

The 5-A-Day Love In…Applet Style

You know what, it stuns me just what is possible when we all link arms and step forward together. About a week ago [5-A-Day](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day) was launched, and it is kicking some rather serious arse (now…is that *seriously kicking* arse or...