Book Meme

Book Meme

“*Remix is an essential act of RW creativity*”. – [Remix: Making Art And Commerce Thrive In The Hybrid Economy](, Lawrence Lessig. From [Ben](, the latest meme:...
On Change

On Change

There has been a lot of talk recently about change. One or two of you may have noticed that some new guy has been voted in as President Elect. There is no doubt that this is a momentous time for the United States to have the first African American president voted in...
Ricky Martin. Metal King.

Ricky Martin. Metal King.

In the tradition of showcasing amusing metal-related videos, Mighty Mike Basinger sends me this nugget: See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. *See the vid [here](*. Mike, you have to much time on your...
Ricky Martin. Metal King.

Intrepid Is Out! San Fran Drinks Tonight.

I am going to keep this fairly short as today has been a super-hectic day. Well, today Ubuntu 8.10 hit the tubes, and it is a proud moment for everyone in the Ubuntu community. A lot of people have mut a lot of hard work into every facet of the distribution, from...
On Lessig

On Lessig

Last night I went along to the launch party for Lawrence Lessig’s new book, [Remix: Making Art And Commerce Thrive In The Hybrid Economy]( This book is the bridge between Lessig moving from his studies in Free Culture to his work on...


I just want to spend a few minutes sharing a wonderful story that Stani Michiels emailed me about earlier and which he [blogged about here]( Stani entered a competition in Holland to...
Ricky Martin. Metal King.

Ubuntu Open Week for Jaunty. Rock On.

Folks, we are really pleased to announce…[Ubuntu Open Week](! Ubuntu Open Week is a week of IRC tuition and Q+A sessions all about getting involved in the rock-and-roll world that is the Ubuntu community. We organise this...
San Francisco Events This Week

San Francisco Events This Week

Just wanted to mention a few events I will be at this week in San Francisco: * Wed 29th Oct – Larry Lessig’s book party – W Hotel, 181 Third Street, San Francisco, CA – 6.30pm – I will be there to celebrate the release of Larry’s...
Denied By Reign: One Day Old

Denied By Reign: One Day Old

Well, [Denied By Reign]( has [released]( for about a day now, and I want to thank everyone for their kind comments and support behind the project. I am...