The Unknown Life Of Józef

The Unknown Life Of Józef

I just want to share with you all a little story that is both sad yet inspiring at the same time. Have any of you heard of Józef Stawinoga? No? Thought not. On the Wolverhampton ring road there used to be a tent erected on a grass verge between two lanes. Although...
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Wow. 2008 What a year it has been. It has been a year of change, opportunity, some sad goodbyes and some bright greetings. This year I have really leaned on my family and friends for support and every one of you came through. You know who you are, and I love you all....
The Macy’s Gipsy King

The Macy’s Gipsy King

I just wanted to share with you an interesting little story that happened to us the other day. A few days back my wife and I were in Macy’s in Union Square shopping. We were lined up to pay for a jacket when nature came knock knock knocking on my door. When I...
The Macy’s Gipsy King

Making LoCo Teams Rock

A few weeks ago at the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Mountain View we had many interesting discussions around [Ubuntu LoCo Teams]( We have so much potential with our LoCo community, and much of the discussions were based around...
The Unknown Life Of Józef

Website Updates

Today I flipped the switch on some changes I have made over the Christmas holiday to []( Hopefully these changes should make using the site much nicer. 🙂 A few notes: * I have installed a new theme. I still have some...
The Ubuntu Ethos

The Ubuntu Ethos

I love working with the Ubuntu community. I love the opportunities, challenges and people that occupy it. Each day is filled with a diverse tapestry of challenges, be it growing new teams, refining governance, developing strategy, or simply chewing the fat with Ubuntu...
Happy New Year!

jb@home Rockstar Choices

A few weeks ago I [wanted to thank]( the top three jonobacon@home comment posters at the time (Adam Williamson, Ethan Anderson and Vadim Peretokin) for their contributions to the site. I offered to buy them a DVD or CD. Well,...
Thunderbird 3 Beta

Thunderbird 3 Beta

I decided recently to give a new mail client a whirl. [Evolution](, while an excellent client, appears to be a bit clunky with IMAP. I specifically have all of my mail go through GMail, and I access with IMAP. Evolution seems to...
The Macy’s Gipsy King

UDS Killed The Radio Star

One of the most prominent new features of UDS Jaunty was our extensive use of video. Using eight cameras, a stack of SD cards, a bunch of tower machines encoding and an army of volunteers, we captured a significant chunk of UDS. Thanks to Chris Jones and James Troup...