Week Off

Week Off

Just a quick note to everyone, I am taking the following week off as holiday to write the [Art Of Community](https://www.artofcommunityonline.org/). This is the second and last week I am taking off to work before I hit the writing deadline. I will be responding to...
Ready To Jam?

Ready To Jam?

Next weekend is the [Ubuntu Global Bug Jam](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam)! This is the regular event in each release cycle in which LoCo teams from around the world get together to work on Ubuntu bugs: reporting, triaging, fixing and otherwise rocking Ubuntu....


A few days ago the rather excellent MOTU Council had their first IRC meeting devoted to MOTU applications. This was one of the measures put in place to streamline how people become developers. I just wanted to say a big *congratulations!* to Didier Roche, Christophe...
The Docs Were Indeed Rocked

The Docs Were Indeed Rocked

Well, today was the [LoCo Docs Day](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoDocsDay) in which the [Ubuntu LoCo Community](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams) came together to work on, expand and otherwise improve the LoCo Documentation. I am really pleased with how much everyone...
Ubuntu LoCo Team Meeting Scheduled

Ubuntu LoCo Team Meeting Scheduled

Just a quick to ask you lovely people to put the date of the **28th Feb 2009** in your diary. At 6pm UTC we are organising an Ubuntu LoCo Community meeting. You can find out more details on the [meeting page](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamMeeting). The meeting will...
Rock The Docs

Rock The Docs

Well, the [LoCo Docs Day](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoDocsDay) is almost upon us: Thu 12th Feb. The aim of the day is for our community to work together to improve our LoCo team documentation which is [here](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams). Getting involved is...
Teesdale Conservation Volunteers

Teesdale Conservation Volunteers

I wanted to post something a little different from the norm: (can’t see the vid? go [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLiVkvQSEjA)) My brother is the guy behind [Teesdale Conservation Volunteers](https://www.rotters.org/) and they perform a tonne of...
Week Off

Friday Free Culture Fun

I just wanted to let everyone know that Friday is the deadline for the [Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFreeCultureShowcase)! If you want a shot at getting you music, video or imagery installed and enjoyed on millions of Ubuntu desktops all...
The Docs Were Indeed Rocked

Ubuntu Forums. Yes Indeed.

Wow, I just went to the [Ubuntu Forums](https://ubuntuforums.org/) and saw this: > Currently Active Users: 14275 (967 members and 13308 guests): > jonobacon, 0bsidian, 11010110, 1oki, 2CV67, 4JOKE4, 5nak3, 80aless, Aaron44126, Aat, ABCC, abcent, abelthorne, abrazafi,...
Teesdale Conservation Volunteers

Rock The Docs: The Ubuntu LoCo Docs Day

(thanks to Efrain for the rather cool term ‘Rock The Docs’) Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I am pleased to announce that on the 12th Feb we are going to have a [LoCo Docs Day](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoDocsDay)! I know, its pretty darn exciting....