Ubuntu Developer Week Announced!

Ubuntu Developer Week Announced!

I am pleased that [Ubuntu Developer Week](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek) is now announced and ready for the masses. The glorious week of Ubuntu development tutorials and sharing of know-how happens from **Monday, 31st August 2009** to **Friday, 4th...
Reporting Ubuntu Community Problems

Reporting Ubuntu Community Problems

Recently I have been thinking a lot about how we can refine and improve how we report problems and issues in the Ubuntu community. I shared some thoughts about this [a little while back](https://archivedblog.jonobacon.com/2009/06/27/tracking-ubuntu-community-issues/)...
Old Face Rubbish. New Face Required.

Old Face Rubbish. New Face Required.

Now for a matter of national security. I got an email today saying: > As I read your blog posts on [planet.gnome.org](https://planet.gnome.org/), my view of your words is colored by your angry faced hackergotchi. I would love to see the happier side of the Ubuntu...
Ubuntu Developer Week Announced!

Community Council: Why I Chose Not To Stand

Recently I had an interesting decision to consider. In an email to the Community Council, Mark Shuttleworth, the founder of the Ubuntu project nominated me for a seat on the Community Council, one of our two top-level governance boards, the other being the Ubuntu...
Gran Canaria Desktop Summit Thoughts

Gran Canaria Desktop Summit Thoughts

A little while back I spent some time in beautiful Gran Canaria at the inaugural [Gran Canaria Desktop Summit](https://www.grancanariadesktopsummit.org/). This was the first event of its kind to bring together developers from the two major desktops, KDE and GNOME. As...
Change For Change

Change For Change

Today I have a little story followed by an idea that I want to share with you all. A few weeks back I stepped out to go and grab a coffee. I headed over to my local independent coffee shop where I get on well with the owners. Like many small businesses, they have been...
On Validation

On Validation

Today I just wanted to share a few thoughts on a much under-used and sometimes overlooked component in growing great communities: *validation*. Every community is an organically grouped bundle of people, many of which spend their free time choosing to be part of that...
Free Books For Approved LoCo Teams

Free Books For Approved LoCo Teams

Recently I have been talking to Prentice Hall, the rather spanky-awesome publishers of [The Official Ubuntu Book](https://www.informit.com/store/product.aspx?isbn=0137021208) by Mako, Matthew Helmke and Corey Burger, and the brand new [Official Ubuntu Server...