by Jono Bacon | Aug 19, 2009 | Art Of Community, Community, Free Culture, Ubuntu
After months of writing, editing, copy-editing, reviews and production, I am pleased to announce the general availability of **The Art of Community**! The book is printed and on its way to bookstores – it may take a few days for it to hit your local bookstore or...
by Jono Bacon | Aug 17, 2009 | Ubuntu
I am pleased that [Ubuntu Developer Week]( is now announced and ready for the masses. The glorious week of Ubuntu development tutorials and sharing of know-how happens from **Monday, 31st August 2009** to **Friday, 4th...
by Jono Bacon | Aug 12, 2009 | Article, Community, Ubuntu
Recently I have been thinking a lot about how we can refine and improve how we report problems and issues in the Ubuntu community. I shared some thoughts about this [a little while back](
by Jono Bacon | Aug 11, 2009 | Community, Speaking
Last year I keynoted [Ohio Linux Fest](). For a number of years I had been building up to going along, but every time I was set to make plans another commitment got in the way of going. I talked about this in [my new book]( >...
by Jono Bacon | Aug 11, 2009 | Community, Desktop
Now for a matter of national security. I got an email today saying: > As I read your blog posts on [](, my view of your words is colored by your angry faced hackergotchi. I would love to see the happier side of the Ubuntu...
by Jono Bacon | Aug 9, 2009 | Community, Ubuntu
Recently I had an interesting decision to consider. In an email to the Community Council, Mark Shuttleworth, the founder of the Ubuntu project nominated me for a seat on the Community Council, one of our two top-level governance boards, the other being the Ubuntu...
by Jono Bacon | Aug 3, 2009 | Community, Desktop
A little while back I spent some time in beautiful Gran Canaria at the inaugural [Gran Canaria Desktop Summit]( This was the first event of its kind to bring together developers from the two major desktops, KDE and GNOME. As...
by Jono Bacon | Aug 1, 2009 | Article, Community
Today I have a little story followed by an idea that I want to share with you all. A few weeks back I stepped out to go and grab a coffee. I headed over to my local independent coffee shop where I get on well with the owners. Like many small businesses, they have been...
by Jono Bacon | Jul 30, 2009 | Article, Community
Today I just wanted to share a few thoughts on a much under-used and sometimes overlooked component in growing great communities: *validation*. Every community is an organically grouped bundle of people, many of which spend their free time choosing to be part of that...
by Jono Bacon | Jul 29, 2009 | Community, Ubuntu
Recently I have been talking to Prentice Hall, the rather spanky-awesome publishers of [The Official Ubuntu Book]( by Mako, Matthew Helmke and Corey Burger, and the brand new [Official Ubuntu Server...