by Jono Bacon | Aug 7, 2010 | Ubuntu
Today I had a great call Penelope Stowe who has been leading some excellent efforts with the [Ubuntu Accessibility Team]( in conjunction with the (quite literally) always rocking Luke ‘The Muso’ Yelavich. The reason...
by Jono Bacon | Aug 6, 2010 | Community, Ubuntu
In Belgium at the last Ubuntu Developer Summit, we had a fantastic set of discussions about how we could create a process that empowers application developers to bring their applications into the Ubuntu Software Center much easier. Today our developer and packaging...
by Jono Bacon | Aug 5, 2010 | Ubuntu
Once again we have some wonderful free books to give away from Prentice Hall, the rather spanky-awesome publishers of [The Official Ubuntu Book]( by Mako, Matthew Helmke and Corey Burger, and the brand new...
by Jono Bacon | Aug 4, 2010 | Community, Ubuntu
Just a quick FYI: tomorrow (Wed 4th Aug) I will be hosting my weekly [At Home with Jono Bacon]( videocast at **11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern / 6pm UTC** and I will be covering the following topics: * CALL FOR EVENTS:...
by Jono Bacon | Aug 2, 2010 | Ubuntu
Are you good folks aware of what is happening on **27th – 29th August 2010**. But of course, it is the [Ubuntu Global Jam](! In the last few cycles we have organized and run an event called the *Ubuntu Global Jam*. The...
by Jono Bacon | Aug 2, 2010 | Severed Fifth
Hi folks, back again for a quick update on my Free Culture music project, [Severed Fifth]( As before, I just want to share a bunch of links to interesting things that are going on. To kick off with, I put a few short videos on the...
by Jono Bacon | Jul 30, 2010 | Ubuntu
The Ubuntu Software Center is making some rocking progress, but as [everyone’s favorite Dr Vish suggests](, it is only a container for other content, and we need to fix and improve the...
by Jono Bacon | Jul 30, 2010 | Canonical, Community, Desktop, Ubuntu
Earlier this week at GUADEC, the always affable Dave Neary presented his GNOME Census work. Unfortunately, I was not there to see it, but I read his [excellent post on the topic]( One of the reactions from the...
by Jono Bacon | Jul 27, 2010 | Community, Ubuntu
Are you good folks aware of what is happening on **27th – 29th August 2010**. But of course, it is the [Ubuntu Global Jam](! In the last few cycles we have organized and run an event called the *Ubuntu Global Jam*. The...
by Jono Bacon | Jul 27, 2010 | Desktop
I have always been a fan of helping in any way I can to encourage people to support small organizations and businesses who are doing their best to be successful by working hard and providing a friendly, honest service. For the earlier part of this week I am in The...