Articulating IRC Contributions Concisely

Articulating IRC Contributions Concisely

Today I had a call with Jussi from the Ubuntu IRC Council. We spent some time discussing a range of different topics, but then Jussi raised an important question which I think could benefit from some community discussion. Today we have many methods of providing free...
Revisiting Ethos

Revisiting Ethos

When I first heard about Free Software in 1998 I was mesmerized by it’s potential. Sure, back then the software was complex and some would argue ugly, but underneath the rough edges was a thing of beauty — the opportunity for people to come together to...
Revisiting Ethos

On Visibility And Change

*OK, before I begin, this is going to be a terribly presented ramble. I have written it, proof read it, and proof read it again, and it still sounds like a child with a crayon wrote it. This is because my thoughts are unstructured, but I am keen to share them anyway....
Thankyou, Debian

Thankyou, Debian

[Debian]( is *awesome*. You know that, I know that, we all know that, and 17 years ago Debian entered into our lives. Before I joined the Ubuntu project I was an avid Debian user, and still am. Ubuntu owes a huge amount of thanks to Debian and...
Ubuntu Global Jam: We Need Your Events!

Ubuntu Global Jam: We Need Your Events!

*Cornellà , Spain* *Chicago, USA* Are you good folks aware of what is happening on **27th – 29th August 2010**. But of course, it is the [Ubuntu Global Jam](! In the last few cycles we have organized and run an event...