Taking a Step Back With Fresh Eyes

Taking a Step Back With Fresh Eyes

Scale is an interesting thing. It affects all kinds of things. Companies grow and don’t seem quite the same as they used to. Bands make it big and then they disappear up their own arses. Restaurants get popular and the food often starts to go downhill. One way...
Fixing Community Processes

Fixing Community Processes

Recently a few people have shared stories with me about how they have run up against processes that felt too complex or overly formal, processes that they feel have got in the way of the *just do it* philosophy that runs deep in the Free Software culture. My view has...
Four Years And The Chasm

Four Years And The Chasm

This month marks my four year anniversary at [Canonical](https://www.canonical.com/). What a four years at has been. I traditionally write up a little retrospective each year, but or some reason ‘four years’ feels a tad more special than usual, and I am...
Rest Well, My Friend

Rest Well, My Friend

It was with great sadness that I read earlier that my friend and colleague [Ian Clatworthy](https://ianclatworthy.wordpress.com/about/) passed away after his fight with cancer. Although I never knew Ian that well, whenever I did work and spend time with him I always...
Rally For Sanity

On Zareason

*These views are my own, and not necessarily those of Canonical.* Some time back the always awesome Earl and Cathy from [Zareason](https://zareason.com/shop/home.php) loaned me one of their [Strata laptops](https://zareason.com/shop/Strata-Pro-13.html) to play with. I...