Ubuntu 12.04 Accessibility Plans

Ubuntu 12.04 Accessibility Plans

Accessibility is a [core value](https://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/our-philosophy) for Ubuntu and we have a wonderful [Ubuntu Accessibility Team](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility) who are passionate about making Ubuntu a truly accessible platform for...
Behind The Canonical Community Team

Behind The Canonical Community Team

Our logo: a collection of horse parts creepily arranged to form an Ubuntu logo. One of the topics that we discussed at the recent [Ubuntu Developer Summit](https://uds.ubuntu.com) in Orlando was how my team, the *Canonical Community Team* at Canonical, can best serve...
Light Out Of Darkness

Light Out Of Darkness

Tonight Erica and I went to a candlelight vigil in nearby Danville. The vigil was honouring the life of a Danville-born marine who was killed recently in Afghanistan. We joined Erica’s family there to mark our respects. We didn’t know him and we...
Ubuntu 12.04 Accessibility Plans

The Ubuntu Commons

One of the most wonderful things about Open Source and collaborative community is that every community member participates in a *commons*; a shared area of community real-estate in which we can all contribute. As an example, with most small Open Source software...