by Jono Bacon | Mar 2, 2006 | Uncategorized
A while back, my band (Seraphidian) supported [Anthrax]( at one of their UK tour dates. This was incredibly exciting for me. I was not only looking forward to strutting my stuff in front of 1200 people, but as a long time fan of the band,...
by Jono Bacon | Feb 28, 2006 | Uncategorized
All go, as usual, and there is lots of fun stuff going, some of which I can’t let on about. Feel free to bribe me with crackers if you want, but I can’t let on. When I was at [SCALE 4x]( I did an interview with a journalist....
by Jono Bacon | Feb 25, 2006 | Uncategorized
Well, []( is now fully live and hacking is happening at a furious rate. Mike has now got playback working, and also mixed playback, which is essential for multi-track applications, Jason is hacking on waveform visualisation and...
by Jono Bacon | Feb 23, 2006 | Uncategorized
Thanks to everyone who came onto the [last blog entry]( to talk about JonoEdit. One thing I have been wanting to change is the name. I didn’t call it JonoEdit and it was a name thrown around on the...
by Jono Bacon | Feb 21, 2006 | Uncategorized
For some time now I have been questioned about why I use Windows (well, now Mac OS X) for recording, and I have always provided a bunch of reasons why I made this decision. To find out more, dig around the LUGRadio community and see the discussions. Anyway, there was...
by Jono Bacon | Feb 21, 2006 | Uncategorized
Wow, its all go at the moment. The [LUGRadio Live 2006]( wheels continue to grind, and a bunch of new names are confirmed: * Steve Coast – OpenStreetmap * Kat Goodwin, Jen Phillips and Phated – Women in Open Source *...
by Jono Bacon | Feb 17, 2006 | Uncategorized
Well, first up, I have Raccoonshow’d my SCALE 4x talk and put it online in the [Events]( section. Go grab [Building the Next Generation Linux...
by Jono Bacon | Feb 15, 2006 | Uncategorized
Well, back home and its nice to be back in my own bed, complete with Sooz and two sleepy dogs. Now its just a case of getting shot of this jet lag. As has been observed before, it seems that jet lag is much worse on the way home. Its just a case of gritting your teeth...
by Jono Bacon | Feb 13, 2006 | Uncategorized
Well, SCALE was awesome. I had a great time and met many, many fantastic people. A huge number of people made my stay in LA a great one, and I want to thank everyone deeply. This includes Jeff, Ilan, Shyam, Phil, Jordan, another Jeff, the first Jeff’s mate and...
by Jono Bacon | Feb 11, 2006 | Uncategorized
Today was a fun day. After forcing my writhing jet lagged body to stay awake by plying it with beer last night, I woke up at around 10.30am. Fixed a few things on a chapter, had a shower and then headed to the OpenDocument workshop downstairs. I saw a fascinating talk...