by Jono Bacon | Mar 26, 2006 | Uncategorized
*OK, quick warning – this blog entry contains lots of technical GStreamer nonsense. I can already feel some of you getting bored, so just move along if this stuff doesn’t get your nipples erect.* Recently I have started looking at how to let the user...
by Jono Bacon | Mar 23, 2006 | Uncategorized
I was tickled pink to receive an awesome email from Minnie Winter: > German beach ball of an seductive in conscientious objector CIA spindly popcorn heliport, terrestrial forgave hapless magnolia inhumane!!! Yeah…thats…exciting. When you get an email...
by Jono Bacon | Mar 21, 2006 | Uncategorized
Just submitted by proposal for a talk at [GUADEC]( It is called *Riding by the seat of your pants: The Jokosher story* and here is the blurb: > “Once upon a time, there was a little radio show called [LUGRadio]( The...
by Jono Bacon | Mar 21, 2006 | Uncategorized
It is clearly evident that [the mighty coop]( speaks clear, sparkling truth. If there is something that needs fixing, and quick, it is the ability to plug your laptop into a projector. As many of you will know, I...
by Jono Bacon | Mar 20, 2006 | Uncategorized
The [Jokosher]( coding frenzy is continuing, and I thought it might be fun to post a few screenshots for those of you who are keeping an eye on it. Recently there has been more and more work going on, and more contributors getting involved. Some...
by Jono Bacon | Mar 15, 2006 | Uncategorized
Wow, its been ferociously busy recently. Not only are things going on at work, but I am also working at finishing up the Official Ubuntu Book. This has involved the usual game of submitting work for review, taking review comments, merging them in, adding missing...
by Jono Bacon | Mar 13, 2006 | Uncategorized
Just to let you all know that for some crazy reason, comments are not working at the moment on the site. Something odd has happened on the server which I suspect is down to a crash a while back. I will let you know when comments are re-enabled. Don’t you just...
by Jono Bacon | Mar 10, 2006 | Uncategorized
In [Jokosher]( we need to implement audio sliders. These sliders are used for adjusting the volume of a particular instrument in the composition. In addition to adjusting the volume, sliders are also augmented with a few other features: *...
by Jono Bacon | Mar 9, 2006 | Uncategorized
You know, spam is a wondrous thing. No, not for filling our inboxes with pointless junk, but a wonderous thing for pure, unadulterated entertainment value. My spam folder in GMail is increasingly becoming a source of astonishing comedy. For your enjoyment, I figured I...
by Jono Bacon | Mar 7, 2006 | Uncategorized
Busy as usual. For the last few weeks much of my time has been spent working on the Official Ubuntu Book and working on [Jokosher](https://www.jokosher.rg/). In addition to this I have been nursing Sooz through a cold, going to work, writing music, rehearsing with the...