by Jono Bacon | Apr 19, 2006 | Uncategorized
Well, the [UK LUG tour]( has kicked off, and both Ted and I will be blogging about what is going on. It started on Monday when I picked up Ted and we returned to LUGRadio towers to record Season 3 Episode 14, which is due out on...
by Jono Bacon | Apr 17, 2006 | Uncategorized
Well here we go, second time lucky… (more on this later in this blog entry) I am pleased to see the masterful John Leach has included the mighty Chinny Raccoon on Linus’ t-shirt on the [latest Everybody Loves Eric...
by Jono Bacon | Apr 13, 2006 | Uncategorized
Today I sat in a talk about Windows Mobile, and the way that Microsoft are making mobile devices more flexible and usable for a variety of different purposes. We were shown a bunch of demos of applications running on the devices, interface improvements and there was...
by Jono Bacon | Apr 12, 2006 | Uncategorized
As some of you will be aware, I run [Planet Advocacy](, and you can read the combined wisdom of Linux advocates including Reverend Ted, Benjamin Mako Hill, Dave Neary, Zak Greant and others. Tim Joyce mailed me to be added to the...
by Jono Bacon | Apr 12, 2006 | Uncategorized
Well, here I am in Seattle. After hours of travelling and virtually no sleep over the last two days, I am finally checked in having attended my first day at the Microsoft Technical Summit. This is a three day conference in which an invited audience are put in the same...
by Jono Bacon | Apr 6, 2006 | Uncategorized
Wow, busy day yestersay. Got into work pretty early and did a seminar on building dynamic websites with PHP and MySQL. Reasonable turnout for 9am and lots of interesting questions. I then spent much of the day preparing for my talk in Oxford next week and finishing up...
by Jono Bacon | Apr 4, 2006 | Uncategorized
by Jono Bacon | Apr 3, 2006 | Uncategorized
Well, all evening slots on the [UK Tour]( are now filled. We do however still have some daytime slots available. The week of April 17th is half-term for students, so if you run a University computer society it may of...
by Jono Bacon | Apr 1, 2006 | Uncategorized
The last few days have been populated by the rather unpleasant output of a stomach bug. It was not nice, and I am not not going to share the ghastly details with you. Suffice to say, it was ghastly. Thanks very much to all of you who mailed in asking for a place on...
by Jono Bacon | Mar 27, 2006 | Uncategorized
For the week of the 17th April 2006, [Ted Haegar]( from Novell USA and myself plan to tour the UK visiting LUGs and doing talks. This is entirely free and supported by our rather cool employers [Novell]( and...