The Increasing Importance of Community

The Increasing Importance of Community

In recent years, I have been getting the distinct impression that the Open Source community is playing an increasing important role in distributions and business. Once pushed to the side, the community is now something that the large distributors seem to be actively...
Looky here, you

Looky here, you

Rather coincidentally, [Federico’s post]( lines up with some investigations that Frank Smith and I have been taking into the Jokosher drawing code. In Jokosher we tend to get...
You sure you want this on your planet?

You sure you want this on your planet?

Well, it appears [Mr Schaller]( had added myself and a bunch of other [Jokosher]( hackers to [Planet GStreamer]( Although I can’t guarantee all of my posts will be...
Die spiders, die

Die spiders, die

You know, I *hate* spiders. Sure, I know they perform some important ecological function that is critical in the scheme of things, but I just hate the damn creatures. This uniformed hatred doesn’t just apply to big spiders, no, it also includes those tiny...
Applications, not the OS

Applications, not the OS

[Simon](, I entirely agree with you that much of the problem with advocacy has been too much focus on Operating Systems. I remember my ex brother-in-law once said to me that he didn’t...
Freespire and advocating diversity

Freespire and advocating diversity

So, [it has been officially announced]( – we now have another community driven free Linux distribution, this time in the form of Freespire. Those of you with eagle eyes, or possibly stalker-like tendencies may have also noticed that I...
CSS gurus required – fame guaranteed

CSS gurus required – fame guaranteed

I am pleased to announce some new additions to [Planet Advocacy]( * Chris DiBona – Open Source dude at Google and author. Chris has been kicking around the Open Source community for a number of years, so his boots need to...
UK LUG TOUR: Oxford and Gloucester

UK LUG TOUR: Oxford and Gloucester

Well, the UK LUG Tour is complete, and its been a great success. On the final day we managed to break down the barriers of human endurance and cram in two dates to our busy schedule of driving, eating, driving, eating and speaking. Despite the [rather long hike back...


Today I picked up Ted and headed to Birmingham to show him OpenAdvantage and have lunch with [Paul]( Recently, Paul has been on something of a whirlwind trip, and has been to Boston to LinuxWorld, and to Prague for another conference. While in...

UK LUG TOUR: Manchester

This is going to be a fairly quick update as we need to shoot off to Wales any time now. Last night we were in Manchester, and despite the smaller turn-out, it was good. There was unfortunately some mis-communication within the LUG about the night of the talk and some...