by Jono Bacon | May 19, 2006 | Uncategorized
This Sunday (21st May 2006) we are holding a [Jokosher]( hackfest in the #jokosher IRC channel on Freenode. The hackfest is going to be attended by a number of Jokosher hackers, and the plan is to get the audio system into shape, fix bugs and...
by Jono Bacon | May 12, 2006 | Uncategorized
Last night was the very first [PHP West Midlands]( meeting in Birmingham. You know, when I considered the idea of setting up a PHP user group, it was a bit of a punt in the dark. I could see this collection of disattached PHP developers growing...
by Jono Bacon | May 11, 2006 | Uncategorized
[Christian has blogged]( about Phonon; the KDE multimedia framework touted for KDE4. A while ago at SCALE in Los Angeles I had breakfast with Aaron Seigo and aside from our usual exchange of nob-gags, we discussed...
by Jono Bacon | May 9, 2006 | Uncategorized
Recently I have been exploring some odd bugs that seem to be getting in the way of [Jokosher]( becoming the rock god application it is destined to become. After some discussions with wtay and bilboed, some bugs were fixed in gnonlin, and Jokosher...
by Jono Bacon | May 8, 2006 | Uncategorized
Well, took Banger to the vets and the poor blighter needs to go back for an X-Ray tomorrow. With mini-doxies you always have to be careful with their backs, so the vet is just checking everything is OK to be 100% sure. Feel free to send get-well cards to banger AT...
by Jono Bacon | May 7, 2006 | Uncategorized
This weekend has unfortunately been blighted by concern. Banger, one of our pooches has been in a lot of pain since Saturday, and we are not entirely sure why. He has been to the vets and even had a trip to the emergency vets last night. The poor little thing really...
by Jono Bacon | May 5, 2006 | Uncategorized
Took a half-day off to get our fence strengthened. While this was going on I had a poke into some [LUGRadio Live 2006]( related business. I called the official hotel and enquired about how many rooms have been rented for LUGRadio Live....
by Jono Bacon | May 4, 2006 | Uncategorized
Today is a great day for open standards, with [OpenDocument Format accepted as an ISO standard]( This is fantastic news, and news that adds extra validity for the OpenDocument format,...
by Jono Bacon | May 3, 2006 | Uncategorized
Long day today. Woke up insanely and headed over to Birmingham to do a talk about Voice Over IP with [Paul]( and Group3. Despite getting stuck in traffic due to a smash up on the M6, the seminar went well and was fairly well attended. Nice to...
by Jono Bacon | May 2, 2006 | Uncategorized
Wow, [The Increasing Importance of Community]( got [slashdotted]( It also made an appearance on [OSNews]( and...