by Jono Bacon | Jun 7, 2006 | Uncategorized
Its been a while since I posted an update about Jokosher, so I figured I should fill you all in. There has been some great work going on, and everyone is doing an awesome job. To keep it short and sweet, I will list the new stuff as bullet points: * Different waveform...
by Jono Bacon | Jun 5, 2006 | Uncategorized
This weekend I spoke at two events for Microsoft people – a Microsoft community leaders day on Friday and the [DeveloperDeveloperDeveloper Day]( on the Saturday. At both days I delivered a talk about Open Source,...
by Jono Bacon | Jun 2, 2006 | Uncategorized
Today I am heading down to Microsoft’s campus in Reading for a few days of speaking. Today is an event about community building inside of Microsoft, and I was invited to come along to talk about Open Source. It seems quite an interesting event, and it is always...
by Jono Bacon | May 31, 2006 | Uncategorized
It is becoming increasingly apparent that [Brother Haeger]( is [spreading the good words]( *Salad Dodger’ around the United States of Amerrrrrica. With...
by Jono Bacon | May 30, 2006 | Uncategorized
Welcome to yet another gripping instalment of *Adventures in spam 3*! In a world lacking in community, it is easy to forget how pleasant a concerned friend can be. With many of us pushing forward in our busy lives, a few wise words and an affectionate note of concern...
by Jono Bacon | May 28, 2006 | Uncategorized
Recently, the topic of Open Source multimedia and multimedia frameworks has been getting some press. Now, I don’t know if this is just because I am more intimately involved in Open Source multimedia with [Jokosher](, but there is a...
by Jono Bacon | May 27, 2006 | Uncategorized
Today I went down to London to do the TV interview. It was fascinating doing it, and it was great to peek into the TV world for a while. The studio was based in Piccadilly Circus, and the interview mainly covered what the GP2X can do, how people can make games for it...
by Jono Bacon | May 24, 2006 | Uncategorized
I am going to be on TV. I had a call a few days ago asking if I could go on a show to talk about a nifty little Open Source games console called the [GP2X]( I have been keeping tabs on this little device for quite a while now, and have been...
by Jono Bacon | May 21, 2006 | Uncategorized
Well, there has been some great work going on as part of the Jokosher hackfest. As I wrote about in my [last blog entry](, I have spent the last few weeks banging my head against some audio problems in...
by Jono Bacon | May 21, 2006 | Uncategorized
Recently we have been getting some odd audio problems in Jokosher in which playback will not start on the second play. Strangely, this problem only exhibits itself when more than one audio file is being used, and hence my suspicion has been that this is `adder`...