by Jono Bacon | Sep 11, 2006 | Uncategorized
This blog gets syndicated round the houses these days, and I am sure some of you were touched personally by 9/11. My sympathies, and thoughts are with you all.
by Jono Bacon | Sep 9, 2006 | Dogs
This has got to be the hardest blog entry I have ever written, as tears stroll down my face. I never ever thought I would need to write this so soon. Last night our sweet little dachshund Banger passed away. As we got to our friends house for her to look after Banger...
by Jono Bacon | Sep 8, 2006 | Jokosher
This Sunday we have a *Jokosher Day*. The idea of the day is tidy up some chunks of Jokosher and do the following: * Go comment-crazy and comment uncharted chunks of code. * Write docs * Update the wiki * Fix bugs Importantly, the day is a great opportunity for those...
by Jono Bacon | Sep 7, 2006 | Advocacy, Community, Humor, Jokosher, LUGRadio, Ubuntu
Last night I did an interview with the [Linux Link Tech Show]( and it was great fun. They are a good bunch of guys. We talk about Ubuntu, Canonical, my new job, Jokosher, GStreamer, Fluendo, LUGRadio and various other sane and insane subjects....
by Jono Bacon | Sep 7, 2006 | Humor, Ubuntu
My parents kept this drawing from when I was five: Maybe I work for the wrong company… 😛
by Jono Bacon | Sep 6, 2006 | LUGRadio, Ubuntu
I forgot to mention, tonight I am a guest on [The Linux Link Tech Show]( It begins at 8:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, or at around 1.30am in the morning for me. 😛 Listen in by clicking: *...
by Jono Bacon | Sep 6, 2006 | Community, Ubuntu
(sorry, that was an awful pun for a post title) This morning I got added to [Planet Ubuntu](, so hello!! Since starting as UCM this week, I have been getting my feet wet in many different parts of the Ubuntu community. One particular area...
by Jono Bacon | Sep 4, 2006 | LUGRadio
by Jono Bacon | Sep 4, 2006 | Jokosher
Well, this is day one of my new role at Canonical. I am just setting up chunks of infrastructure and getting things up and running. I just wanted to post a quick entry to say that if anyone wants to get in touch with me regarding anything regarding the community, you...
by Jono Bacon | Sep 2, 2006 | Jokosher
As some of you will know, recently I have been hacking on effects support in Jokosher. Well, it is all working pretty well, and figured I should try and make the dialog a bit nicer and roll in some Cairo goodness. Now, I am completely new at Cairo, so this effort has...