On relaxing

On relaxing

You know, I find relaxing difficult. I know it sounds crazy, but I do. My mind is always racing at 1000mph, and I am always buzzing to do something, so it makes lying around on a deckchair difficult at times. This is not a recent thing – I have always been like...
In Florida on holiday, possible meet up

In Florida on holiday, possible meet up

Homies, I am on holiday in Florida for two weeks. Back October 6th. I will be checking my jonobacon.com mail address occasionally. I may be meeting up with a few Open Source people on the afternoon of Sat 30th Sep at International Drive in Orlando. I am still waiting...
In Florida on holiday, possible meet up

New Song: Little Coal Nose

I am pleased to announce the release of my latest song – [Little Coal Nose](https://www.recreantview.org/blog/?page_id=64). This song is written about and dedicated to our little dachshund Banger who many of you will know [unfortunately passed away...
Dear Lazyweb: Real-time kernels

Dear Lazyweb: Real-time kernels

I just don’t get them. I really don’t. For years, the perceived wisdom has been that if you want to record audio on Linux, you need a low-latency kernel, real-time kernel. The technical description is a kernel with *real-time pre-emption*, and the stock...
LinuxWorld Shazaa

LinuxWorld Shazaa

Here in the UK, the [Ubuntu UK team](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam) have been forming nicely. A relatively new group, there is a huge amount of interest in the team to help push, promote and support Ubuntu where possible in the UK. The team live on [the ubuntu-uk...
In Florida on holiday, possible meet up

Words of wisdom

I have come to the realisation that you really find out what your friends and family think of you when you get birthday cards. I am worried there is going to be an international shortage of the words ‘fart’, ‘poo’, ‘turd’,...