by Jono Bacon | Oct 21, 2006 | Advocacy, Ubuntu
You know, things like [this]( make it all worthwhile. 🙂
by Jono Bacon | Oct 20, 2006 | Random
[Ton Roosendaal](, founder of [Blender]( and a good friend will be wandering around LinuxWorld London for a while. He will be there for the awards. Looking forward to...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 18, 2006 | Music
I am pleased to present my brand new song – [Voices Of Freedom]( I wrote this song while on holiday in Florida, and it is a nice, bouncy, acoustic song that I think is fairly catchy. A different style for me, so a bit...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 18, 2006 | Humor
Small things in life amuse me greatly. Dave Morley sent this mail: > how can you list hardware on an isa bus please? The rather amusing Chris Procter replied with: > Dear Mr. Morley, > Can we have our hardware back please? > Yours sincerely, > The 1980’s...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 17, 2006 | Jokosher
In a few weeks is [LinuxWorld London]( and there will be a [Jokosher]( stand there. This stand was being manned by Chris Brown and John Green, but unfortunately Chris has had to pull out. As such we are now...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 17, 2006 | Advocacy, Community, Speaking, Ubuntu
Well, in January I will be heading over to Australia for the first time as my paper *How to Herd Cats and Influence People* was accepted for []( I was pleased to get accepted, particularly with the much publicised huge...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 17, 2006 | Random
Dear Lazyweb. One game I love playing on my PS2 is [SOCOM Navy Seals]( I enjoy it for two reasons: * It is a network multi-player first-person shooter with free online server access. * You can use the...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 16, 2006 | Community, Humor, Random
As someone who spends a large chunk of his life on IRC, mainly due to working with the various communities on IRC, my quality-of-IRC (QoIRC?) is pretty important. Although typically blissful in my day to day bumblings, one increasing trend seems to be sweeping IRC...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 16, 2006 | Jokosher
Well, today the growing Jokosher team met in `#jokosher` on `` and hacked on some of the remaining features planned for 0.2. There was lots of great work done today, and here are some of the highlights: * Laszlo worked on the audio fade GUI and it is...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 15, 2006 | Jokosher
Its Sunday…its fun…its exciting…its the Jokosher hackfest today!! Head to #jokosher on `` today and get involved! 🙂