Fuzzy feeling

Fuzzy feeling

You know, things like [this](https://ubuntudemon.wordpress.com/2006/10/21/kids-say-thank-you-edubuntu-team/) make it all worthwhile. 🙂
Ton in London

Ton in London

[Ton Roosendaal](https://www.blender3d.org/cms/Ton_Roosendaal.460.0.html), founder of [Blender](https://www.blender.org/cms/Home.2.0.html) and a good friend will be wandering around LinuxWorld London for a while. He will be there for the awards. Looking forward to...
New Song: Voices Of Freedom

New Song: Voices Of Freedom

I am pleased to present my brand new song – [Voices Of Freedom](https://www.recreantview.org/blog/?p=68). I wrote this song while on holiday in Florida, and it is a nice, bouncy, acoustic song that I think is fairly catchy. A different style for me, so a bit...


Small things in life amuse me greatly. Dave Morley sent this mail: > how can you list hardware on an isa bus please? The rather amusing Chris Procter replied with: > Dear Mr. Morley, > Can we have our hardware back please? > Yours sincerely, > The 1980’s...
The London Jokosher stand needs YOU!

The London Jokosher stand needs YOU!

In a few weeks is [LinuxWorld London](https://www.linuxworldexpo.co.uk/) and there will be a [Jokosher](https://www.jokosher.org/) stand there. This stand was being manned by Chris Brown and John Green, but unfortunately Chris has had to pull out. As such we are now...
The London Jokosher stand needs YOU!

See you in Sydney in 2007

Well, in January I will be heading over to Australia for the first time as my paper *How to Herd Cats and Influence People* was accepted for [linux.conf.au](https://lca2007.linux.org.au/). I was pleased to get accepted, particularly with the much publicised huge...
Headset shooters?

Headset shooters?

Dear Lazyweb. One game I love playing on my PS2 is [SOCOM Navy Seals](https://us.playstation.com/Content/OGS/SCUS-97474/Site/main.asp). I enjoy it for two reasons: * It is a network multi-player first-person shooter with free online server access. * You can use the...
Say NO to winky smilies

Say NO to winky smilies

As someone who spends a large chunk of his life on IRC, mainly due to working with the various communities on IRC, my quality-of-IRC (QoIRC?) is pretty important. Although typically blissful in my day to day bumblings, one increasing trend seems to be sweeping IRC...
Ton in London

Jokosher Hackfest

Well, today the growing Jokosher team met in `#jokosher` on `irc.freenode.net` and hacked on some of the remaining features planned for 0.2. There was lots of great work done today, and here are some of the highlights: * Laszlo worked on the audio fade GUI and it is...