by Jono Bacon | Nov 21, 2006 | Community, Ubuntu
The awesome [ubuntu-uk]( LoCo team are having a charity auction of an Ubuntu t-shirt signed by Mark Shuttleworth, Jon “maddog” Hall, myself and some other folks. I have also signed a copy of the [Official Ubuntu...
by Jono Bacon | Nov 20, 2006 | Random
Just a quick note, my phone has been lost. My faithful companion has provided hours of entertainment, but it is now lost somewhere in San Francisco airport. So, if you try to call me, you will either get my answer machine message, or some guy who will try to sell you...
by Jono Bacon | Nov 20, 2006 | Jokosher
Yes people it has finally happened. I have just written up the announcement: The Jokosher team are proud to announce the second pre-release of their simple yet powerful audio studio for the GNOME desktop. The new 0.2 version of the software has been in active...
by Jono Bacon | Nov 20, 2006 | Desktop, Ubuntu
Well, my new book will be published any time now: This is my third book, but the first that I have written entirely myself. I am pretty pleased with it. A sample copy was here when I got back from San Francisco, and it looks schaweeeet. The book takes a different...
by Jono Bacon | Nov 20, 2006 | Community, Jokosher, Ubuntu
While at the Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) the week before last, I took part in an interview with Joe ‘Zonker’ Brockmeier about the UDS, community and Jokosher. He has written up a report, complete with video interviews with myself, Matt Zimmerman, Murray...
by Jono Bacon | Nov 18, 2006 | Community, Desktop, Speaking, Ubuntu
Astute readers may have observed that this has been a quiet week for my blog. Well, there are a few reasons for this: * Firstly, we have just performed a server move, and I wanted to keep the databases synced. We have moved from two separate VMs to a dedicated box....
by Jono Bacon | Nov 12, 2006 | Jokosher
I figured it is time for a Jokosher update. As many of you will know, I have been at the Ubuntu Developer Summit for the last week at Mountain View, and I am now in San Francisco at [our]( Allhands company summit. Jokosher really rocked at...
by Jono Bacon | Nov 10, 2006 | Community, Desktop, Jokosher, Ubuntu
Well, the UDS finishes up tomorrow, and lots has been going on. Ready for some bullet points? READY? OK, you got it you filthy bullet point fiends: * The spec about unifying resources with Launchpad was very productive, and there was some discussion of it being rolled...
by Jono Bacon | Nov 10, 2006 | Dogs
Nearly at a week into my two week jaunt over here in California. Having a great time, and naturally missing Sooz and our little doggies. So, Sooz [uploaded an update on the pooches]( which I know some of you will...
by Jono Bacon | Nov 7, 2006 | Community, Ubuntu
Well, I have been at the UDS for a few days, and there is lots of stuff going on around many different parts of Ubuntu and the community. Prepare for one of my rather ugly bullet-points-lists-of-ultimate-doom: * The UDS spec process seems pretty decent. People...