

I was delighted to wake up today and see [Jimmac’s Jokosher Waveform Mockups]( This is one of the things I love most about Open Source and collaborative development – we all have our different...
LUGRadio Live 2007 – Get those papers in!

LUGRadio Live 2007 – Get those papers in!

Wow, we have been getting some pretty cool papers submitted for the glorious and spectacular [LUGRadio Live 2007](, but we are greedy for more. This blog gets aggregated on more sites than I care to imagine, so people, get...
Jokosher YouTube’d

Jokosher YouTube’d

Adam Gautier has been kind enough to split into parts the Jokosher talk I did at LCA and put it on YouTube. So, Jokosher fans, [check it out](
Off to Skycon

Off to Skycon

Well, back in the UK, for a day and then out to Ireland this weekend for [Skycon]( We fly out on Thursday and return on Monday. While there I will be speaking about herding cats and influencing people. In addition to this, my fellow large...


Well, day one of SCALE is over and I am just sat in the hotel restaurant having had breakfast. Yesterday was great. Good mix of exhibitors (much bigger than last year, about twice the size) and a good range of talks. My talk (Herding Cats) went pretty well. It was...


Over in LA right now for [SCALE]( and having a good time. I got into LA at about 6pm last night, got to the hotel, dumped my bags, had a swift pint in the bar and met some of the organisers and familiar faces from last year....
Jokosher: Call For Testers

Jokosher: Call For Testers

On Friday last week, [Jokosher]( hit its feature freeze. This means that no new features will enter Jokosher and the next month will be spent purely on bug-fixing. As some of you will know, there has actually been little major new...
Nice one Steve

Nice one Steve

Credit where credit is due to Steve Jobs for his recent [Open Letter]( This is *exactly* the kind of discussion people in his position should be having to promote an open marketplace and freedom. His letter quite clearly...

In LA this weekend

This weekend I am over in Los Angeles for the [SoCal Linux Expo]( I went last year and it really is an excellent conference. Hopefully this time I will also get to see a little bit of LA – last year I got stuck in the...

A title with no talk…nothing new

I wish I was a full-time web developer for one reason and one reason only – I would love to do a presentation extolling the greatness of Atom and give it the title *Kicking RSS and Taking Names*. You heard it here first people… Anyone else have any comedy...