This is living

This is living

I just ordered a [Playstation 3]( Oh yes, the fun is coming. I got [this...
The Big Red Recording draws closer

The Big Red Recording draws closer

On Feb 26th I [announced the Big Red Recording](; an audacious goal to record a full album myself in 24 hours with Cello provided by my pal Emelye. On that day I had no music, no lyrics and no idea if any of this was possible....
Making us win: Integrating open content

Making us win: Integrating open content

One of the most notable changes in Feisty that I have been looking forward to is the updated Rhythmbox with its Jamendo and Magantune support: With this support you can browse, listen to, download and purchase albums right from within Rhythmbox. It is still very new...
Connected diversity

Connected diversity

I am sat on a train heading home from CeBit in Germany. CeBit is huge. Freaking, insanely, grandiosely massive. The hall we were in was the size of an aircraft hanger and there are 22 such halls. It takes *ages* just to walk from the start of CeBit to the end and they...
Off to CeBit

Off to CeBit

At stupid-o-clock tomorrow morning I get on a train, to travel to an airport, to get on a plane, to fly to Hannover for CeBit. I will be there with my Canonical Cohorts on the Canonical stand at F74/1 Hall 1 and also with the always excellent ubuntu-de community team...
Connected diversity

Ubuntu on Dell machines

Our friends at [Dell]( have [opened a survey]( asking for feedback about which Linux distribution they should install on their machines. Any Linux support would be a win, but naturally I favor Ubuntu. So, Ubuntu...


I have recently discovered comedy gold on YouTube – *music video interpretations*. The basic idea is that someone takes a song and makes a video with an interpretation of the lyrics, to great comedy effect. It seems YouTube is teeming with them, and here are...
Another kicking example

Another kicking example

Congratulations to Jerome, Jucato, Zakame, Diane, Yolynne, Dominique, Myra, Clair and Joanna from [ubuntu-ph]( for doing an excellent job representing Ubuntu at the [FOSS Fiesta...
Devious Fedora plans afoot

Devious Fedora plans afoot

[Max is a legend](, as usual. Funny bugger. Promise me one thing though Max, that when the Fedora logo is airbrushed on there, I can wear the Jacket one last time? I am pretty sure its going to make a cool jacket. 🙂 And yes...
Java for Ubuntu

Java for Ubuntu

[JavaOne]( is shaping up to be a pretty cool conference. Unfortunately I won’t be able to head over as it is the same time as the [Ubuntu Developer Summit]( in Spain. From [the...