USA-wide Approved LoCo’s by the end of the year! Lets do it.

Feedback on Ubuntu training course. Apply within.

One of the services that Canonical are working to offer are high quality training courses. These courses are produced by our training team and executed around the world by training partners. One aspect of producing these courses are training materials, and we are keen...
USA-wide Approved LoCo’s by the end of the year! Lets do it.

Sucked in by Facebook

You know, I hate social networks. But…I now have a [Facebook]( account. If you have one and feel like we should be connected, go ahead. I still hate social networks. I consider this an experiment. 😉
Sworn in the USA

Sworn in the USA

(*thanks to schwuk for the image and blog post title*) LUGRadio Live USA has been something that has been discussed for the last few years in the LUGRadio community. Some of the American fans have been banging on about it for quite some time, but we have been very...
LUGRadio Live 2007. Check.

LUGRadio Live 2007. Check.

Well, its over. This weekend [LUGRadio Live 2007]( happened, and after 8 months of planning, over 20 crew, a stack of exhibitors and a bunch of speakers, everyone seemed to have a blast. There are a bunch of excellent write-ups of the...
Bring it on

Bring it on

Just seen on `#jokosher`: i gotta head out to the airport cya tomorrow guys 🙂 Laszlo flies from Canada to [LUGRadio Live 2007]( this weekend. It is exciting when *the world’s single greatest event, ever, in the history of man...
It’s coming…

It’s coming…

Holy crap, this weekend is [LUGRadio Live 2007]( This week is a busy week with every evening being dedicated to last minute preparations for the event. My house is slowly filling up with content for the event, we are making plans...


Music is important to me. I spend all day every day listening to it and much of my free time making it. As such, the choice of media player is pretty important to me. I have tried all sorts – Rhythmbox, XMMS, Songbird, Amarok to name a few. Despite my...
Sworn in the USA

One Man Freedom March

Get all your LugRadio Live news and updates from the LugRadio Live Latest News Blog! A while back we released the [Freedom March promo video]( for [LUGRadio Live 2007]( Well, the ever amusing...
It’s coming…

LUGRadio Live 2007 Social Fun

Get all your LugRadio Live news and updates from the LugRadio Live Latest News Blog! As [LUGRadio Live 2007]( grows closer (one week! – 7th and 8th July 2007), I just wanted to fill you all in on some of the social events that...