by Jono Bacon | Nov 13, 2007 | Community, Ubuntu
After an insane two weeks, I am back at home in sunny Wolverhampton. A few weeks back I flew out to Boston, headed to Cambridge and attended FOSSCamp and the Ubuntu Developer Summit. The following week it was then off to nearby Plymouth for Canonical’s week-long...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 30, 2007 | Community
This morning we had an interesting community round table session, and a key item that was raised was the worry of burnout for contributors. I myself have seen a few people burn out, and we discussed what we can do to (a) help prevent it and (b) help people through it....
by Jono Bacon | Oct 30, 2007 | Ubuntu
It should be noted that with all this UDS fun and games going on, you can listen in and contribute via VoIP and IRC by reading [this page]( Another good day today so far, come and get involved. 🙂
by Jono Bacon | Oct 29, 2007 | Community, Ubuntu
I am over in Cambridge for FOSSCamp and the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Insanely busy and not much tome to blog, so its bullet-time: * My laptop keyboard broke as I tried to check email an hour before I left for the Airport to fly to Boston. This resulted in a mad rush...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 23, 2007 | Ubuntu
I am pleased to announce the second monthly Ubuntu monthly report – go read the [October 2007 report](! It is great to see the incredible work going on in the community. 🙂 I am really pleased how the reports are...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 23, 2007 | LUGRadio
Season 5 Episode 3 is [released]( > In the latest episode of LugRadio, the team interview Quim Gil from Nokia about the newly announced Nokia N810 Internet Tablet, discuss how liable software vendors should be for security holes,...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 22, 2007 | Ubuntu
Ladies and Gentlemen, Packagers and Developers, Translators and Bug Triagers, Advocates and Helpers, this week I am pleased to see another [Ubuntu Open Week]( begin, and I am *raring*…no, *chomping at the bit* to go. It...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 18, 2007 | Ubuntu
Well, after six months of feverish development, [Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon is released]( An Ubuntu release is a phenomenal achievement for a worldwide network of volunteers and enthusiasts as well as the developers...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 17, 2007 | Ubuntu
It was the night before the Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon came to visit, and all was quiet. All over the world, boys and girls lay excited in their beds, awaiting the treats that would present them the following day. Yes indeed, its that festive time when an Ubuntu release is...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 17, 2007 | Ubuntu
One of the most important projects in the Ubuntu community is [MOTU]( – a project to produce Ubuntu packages for the many and various Linux applications out there. MOTU is not only for producing packages, but is also the place where...