Making ALSA suck less in GNOME

Making ALSA suck less in GNOME

I read [Chris’s blog]( about ALSA, and it does concern me a little. I think ALSA is most definitely the right direction for us to head in, but if users are experiencing a distinctive difference in audio quality,...
Recognising potential through history

Recognising potential through history

As an advocate and consultant, I tend to get exposed to a rich tapestry of reasons why Open Source is great and why it is not so great. I am not going going to bother singing to the choir about the great aspects, but I instead want to discuss one of the oft heard...
Thinking about GNOME 3.0

Thinking about GNOME 3.0

As many of you will know, I am quite the usability pervert. Understanding how people use computers and creating better and more intuitive interfaces fires me up, and the mere idea of GNOME 3.0 is interesting to me. The reason why I find GNOME 3.0 exciting is that it...
Thinking about GNOME 3.0

Building the Perfect Audio Editor

In the past, I have gone into quite some detail about why I believe that the current crop of Linux multi-trackers are not up to the job for both recording my own music and recording [LUGRadio]( To remedy this, Aq and I sat down for a few...