Taste the rainbow

Taste the rainbow

All go, as usual, and there is lots of fun stuff going, some of which I can’t let on about. Feel free to bribe me with crackers if you want, but I can’t let on. When I was at [SCALE 4x](https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/) I did an interview with a journalist....


Well, [www.jokosher.org](https://www.jokosher.org) is now fully live and hacking is happening at a furious rate. Mike has now got playback working, and also mixed playback, which is essential for multi-track applications, Jason is hacking on waveform visualisation and...
Dogs can indeed look up

Dogs can indeed look up

Thanks to everyone who came onto the [last blog entry](https://archivedblog.jonobacon.com/viewcomments.php?id=645) to talk about JonoEdit. One thing I have been wanting to change is the name. I didn’t call it JonoEdit and it was a name thrown around on the...
JonoEdit: It lives!

JonoEdit: It lives!

For some time now I have been questioned about why I use Windows (well, now Mac OS X) for recording, and I have always provided a bunch of reasons why I made this decision. To find out more, dig around the LUGRadio community and see the discussions. Anyway, there was...
LUGRadio Live 2006

LUGRadio Live 2006

Wow, its all go at the moment. The [LUGRadio Live 2006](https://www.lugradio.org/live/2006/) wheels continue to grind, and a bunch of new names are confirmed: * Steve Coast – OpenStreetmap * Kat Goodwin, Jen Phillips and Phated – Women in Open Source *...
JonoEdit: It lives!

SCALE talk online

Well, first up, I have Raccoonshow’d my SCALE 4x talk and put it online in the [Events](https://archivedblog.jonobacon.com/events/) section. Go grab [Building the Next Generation Linux...