On Planet Ubuntu

On Planet Ubuntu

Recently [Randall did some research](https://randall.executiv.es/pu-more-awesome-conclusion) into what people want to see on Planet Ubuntu. This has been followed up by [Stuart with a set of concerns](https://kryogenix.org/days/2014/01/29/thoughts-on-planet-ubuntu). I...
Growing an Active Ubuntu Advocacy Community

Growing an Active Ubuntu Advocacy Community

Like many of you, I am tremendously excited about Ubuntu’s future. We are building a powerful convergence platform across multiple devices with a comprehensive developer platform at the heart of it. This could have a profound impact on users and developers...
Ask Me Anything on Monday

Ask Me Anything on Monday

On **Monday 13th Jan** starting at **6pm UTC (10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern)** I will be doing an AMA on Reddit. For those unfamiliar with this – this is where you can ask me anything on Reddit, and the most popular questions and responses are up/down voted. The...
The Next Ubuntu Developer Summit: 11-13 March 2014

Ubuntu In 2014

Happy new year, friends! 2013 was a phenomenal year for Ubuntu. It is difficult to believe that it was just a year ago today that we announced Ubuntu for phones. Since then we have built and released the first version of Ubuntu for phones complete with core apps,...