App Of Jaq

App Of Jaq

In the continued mission to inspire and encourage opportunistic developers to write cool little apps that scratch an itch, no matter how specific and niche, I have started work on *App Of Jaq*: a desktop app that scratches my itch to build the [Shot Of...
Various Shot Of Jaq Tidbits

Various Shot Of Jaq Tidbits

[Shot Of Jaq]( is a ten minute, twice-weekly technology and Open Source podcast that is specifically designed to be the *start* of the conversation. We have taken care to build an environment optimized around conversation and discussion, and...
Unchaining The Opportunistic Programmer

Unchaining The Opportunistic Programmer

Recently I have been writing a lot about [Lernid](, an application that makes online learning events more fun and more accessible, and at the heart of what has enabled me to write Lernid is [Quickly](; a...
Shot Of Jaq: A Few Weeks In

Shot Of Jaq: A Few Weeks In

It has been a few weeks now since [Aq]( and I started doing our new podcast, [Shot Of Jaq]( What a crazy few weeks. As some of you will know, we did [LugRadio]( for four years, and we...
Various Shot Of Jaq Tidbits

The Shot Of Jaq Train Begins

Yesterday we [kicked out our first proper episode of Shot Of Jaq]( and I am chuffed to bits with the response. Right now it stands at 42 comments, and I am sure this will continue to grow. The whole idea...
The New Shot Of Jaq Website Is Open

The New Shot Of Jaq Website Is Open

Just a quick note to let you good folks know that the [Shot Of Jaq]( website is now open at []( – come and join the beginnings of our community. If you have no idea what *Shot Of Jaq* is,...