Six years. Never forget.

Six years. Never forget.

*Many of the victims of 9/11* Wow. Six years since 9/11. The world has changed a lot since that day, and like other major events in the world, I will never forget who I was and where I was when it happened. Long hair, Iron Maiden t-shirt, working as a web developer at...
Good move, IBM

Good move, IBM

I just want to take a second to also throw my support behind IBM for their [announcement of involvement in]( is extremely important for the free software desktop to succeed, and IBM...
Growing old is compulsory. Growing up is optional.

Growing old is compulsory. Growing up is optional.

In a few weeks, specifically, Monday September 17th, I clock up the ripe age of 28. It has been a pretty damn good year, some highs and lows, but all-in-all, a fun, exciting, roller-coaster of a year. Where will the coming twelve months take me? No idea, squire. I...
The Jacket Returns

The Jacket Returns

Recently, I got a rather cryptic message from Max Spevack, the Fedora Project Leader asking for my address so he could send me something. Well, today a parcel arrived for me. A while back [my jacket was ebayed for...


Wow, long time no update. Well, things have been insanely busy recently, on all fronts, and I have just been too busy to sit back and write some stuff down. So, here comes another burst of bullet points: * I have recently moved over to the Ubuntu distro team formally...
The Jacket Returns

The legend gets in touch

A while back I was [trying to track down a guy who really gave me my first break in Open Source]( I knew he was called John something, but my poor hapless brain cells failed me on his surname. A dude called Kris Marsh did...