

Yesterday a package arrived on my doorstep. Not just a package, but a big one, and I had not ordered anything that big to be delivered. Lo and behold, said package had my name on it and the sticker said it was from **Pete Graner**, who is my colleague at Canonical...

One Year Anniversary

One year ago today, I married the love of my life, Erica. From the minute we went on our first date, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. We instantly developed a close connection; a bond that spans beliefs, interests, ambitions and tastes. Since...
Even When Things Go Wrong, Life Is Awesome

Even When Things Go Wrong, Life Is Awesome

A few days ago I started getting sick. This sucks for two reasons. Firstly, I hate being sick. Secondly I hit the big 3-0 tomorrow and I don’t want to be ill on my birthday. I have been assured my many a wise onlooker that “*being sick on your birthday is...
Kindle DX Impressions

Kindle DX Impressions

The Kindle. I have been wanting to buy one of these babies for a while, and when I kept reading about people buying my [book]( on them, read [Mike’s generally positive...
Stick To ‘Em

Stick To ‘Em

This weekend I am heading over to Los Angeles for [SCALE]( In addition to [speaking](, attending the [Ubuntu Global Bug...
Teesdale Conservation Volunteers

Teesdale Conservation Volunteers

I wanted to post something a little different from the norm: (can’t see the vid? go [here]( My brother is the guy behind [Teesdale Conservation Volunteers]( and they perform a tonne of...