End of an era

End of an era

You know, its odd enough when leaving a job, but its even stranger when you stop working with people you really respect. Today was my last day working with [Elliot](https://townx.org/blog) as he is training tomorrow and on holiday for my final week. I have a huge...
My humps, my humps, my humps, my humps…check it out

My humps, my humps, my humps, my humps…check it out

You know, there are two things that bug me about most sites running WordPress: * Its almost impossible to find someones email address. * Its almost impossible to find their entries and comments RSS feeds. Surely these are fairly straightforward needs, at least the...


[Bockmeister General](https://abock.org/2006/07/13/a-smorgasbord-of-text-and-an-erratum/), your time will come, and I will be stood there laughing. I hope you never need to do any [multi-track audio editing](https://www.jokosher.org/). Incidentally, Aaron, what in the...
Banish The Beard: Donate Now!

Banish The Beard: Donate Now!

You know, I love my beard. I love its length, girth and breadth, its unique whispy feel and its oh-so-metal look. I have had it for six years and it completes me. Despite my affection to the little fella under my chin, I am willing to shave it off for charity at...
This is what free software is about

This is what free software is about

A while back I asked if [Elliot](https://townx.org/) could upgrade my Nokia 770 to the new firmware as he had done it on his own 770. Despite following the instructions precisely, and performing exactly the same steps, the poor guy had problems flashing it and the 770...