This is living

This is living

I just ordered a [Playstation 3]( Oh yes, the fun is coming. I got [this...
Devious Fedora plans afoot

Devious Fedora plans afoot

[Max is a legend](, as usual. Funny bugger. Promise me one thing though Max, that when the Fedora logo is airbrushed on there, I can wear the Jacket one last time? I am pretty sure its going to make a cool jacket. 🙂 And yes...
Charity Mate

Charity Mate

Yes! We hit the £1000 mark for the [Big Red Recording](!! Thanks to everyone who has donated so far. Now, lets see if we can hit *£2000* – there are still 26 days until the recording begins, so plenty of time to...
Mobile, gone, idiot, me

Mobile, gone, idiot, me

That’s right folks, its that time of the year – I have lost my mobile phone *again*. I know, I know, I am an idiot, this is clear. If you have my phone number, please text me with your name so when it is working fully, I can add you to my phone book. Oh,...
Lies, lies and more lies

Lies, lies and more lies

You know what, I hate cough medicine. Not the taste, no. Well, *yes* actually, it tastes like ground up donkey balls, but it is more the *promise* of cough medicine that irks me. Last week I had a rather nasty cough. It was contracted in Los Angeles, transported to...
One of those little things…

One of those little things…

Tonight I went to see [Hammerfall]( play. It was awesome, as expected. While stood there watching the band at the front, a drumstick came hurtling my way and I caught it. Inscribed with Anders Johansson, I was rather chuffed, and kept...