by Jono Bacon | Nov 8, 2011 | Community, Planet Ubuntu
In the Ubuntu world (and I am sure in other distributions as well), the choice of what apps we ship in the default install has always garnered much debate and discussion. With each UDS there is a *default apps* discussion, and the following few weeks usually involves...
by Jono Bacon | Nov 3, 2011 | Community, Planet Ubuntu, Ubuntu LoCo Teams
Today part two of the leadership summit will be happening at UDS. This morning we fleshed out the topics we are going to discuss (each broken into 20 minute *lightning discussions*) and they include: * Growing Motivation * Leadership Futures * Leadership Self...
by Jono Bacon | Nov 2, 2011 | Community, Planet Ubuntu
Here we are in Orlando at a hectic but productive and fun UDS. The atmosphere here is great; in our track (the *Community* track) I am noticing a sense of shared spirit and focus on improving how our community operates, and how diverse and productive it is. We have...
by Jono Bacon | Nov 1, 2011 | Community, Planet Ubuntu, Ubuntu LoCo Teams
Today we start our [Ubuntu Leadership Mini Summit]( here at the [Ubuntu Developer Summit]( Be sure to add your leadership topics to the [ideas...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 26, 2011 | Community, Planet Ubuntu, Ubuntu, Ubuntu LoCo Teams
*This post is part of a series of posts discussing next steps based upon findings in the [Ubuntu Community Survey Report]( that was released recently. The goal of these posts is to focus on...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 25, 2011 | Community, Planet Ubuntu, Ubuntu
Just a quick reminder that tomorrow (Tues 25th October 2011), the Canonical Commmunity Team will be having our regular weekly meeting on IRC at 8am Pacific / 11am Eastern / 4pm UK / 5pm Europe. The meeting will take place in `#ubuntu-meeting` on the...