Unchaining The Opportunistic Programmer

Unchaining The Opportunistic Programmer

Recently I have been writing a lot about [Lernid](https://www.launchpad.net/lernid), an application that makes online learning events more fun and more accessible, and at the heart of what has enabled me to write Lernid is [Quickly](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Quickly); a...
Lernid 0.3 Brings The Rock And Roll

Lernid 0.3 Brings The Rock And Roll

Today I kicked out a new release of Lernid – Lernid 0.3. This release packs in some juicy new features and bug fixes, and we are edging closer to Lernid 1.0 ready for our next major learning event: [Ubuntu Developer...
Lernid Karmic Daily Builds Now Available

Lernid Karmic Daily Builds Now Available

Thanks to the awesome Nathan ‘nhandler’ Handler, we now have a daily builds PPA for [Lernid](https://www.launchpad.net/lernid). This means you can run the unstable, daily, crack-of-the-day version of Lernid and have it delivered automatically right to your...
Lernid Gets ‘Real’ Events

Lernid Gets ‘Real’ Events

Another quick [Lernid](https://www.launchpad.net/lernid) update. So far, Lernid has merely provided a streamlined interface to the common components in [Ubuntu Open Week](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek) or [Ubuntu Developer...
Lernid 0.2 Released

Lernid 0.2 Released

I am pleased to announce an early snapshot release of [Lernid](https://www.launchpad.net/lernid): a little program to make connecting to Ubuntu learning events simple. Lernid is still very much in development, and still needs lots of work before it is ready for our...