J.B. Loves Beard

J.B. Loves Beard

Haha, it seems that someone has been kind enough to create fake LiveJournal accounts for [myself](https://ilovemybeard.livejournal.com/) and [Aq](https://gingalingling.livejournal.com/). No idea who is behind it, but should be fun. Never been the subject of satire...
Life can treat you in new and different ways

Life can treat you in new and different ways

Sometimes a situation in life unveils itself, and it is a thing of unparalleled beauty. Such experiences are infrequent, but their rarity is compensated by magnificence, elegance and grace. Importantly, these occurrences are defined by the combination and the whole;...
J.B. Loves Beard

Google are the comedy

See for yourself: * go to google.com * click on Maps. * click on get Directions. * from: New York, USA * to: Paris,France. * …and read line #24 Nice. 🙂


I have recently discovered comedy gold on YouTube – *music video interpretations*. The basic idea is that someone takes a song and makes a video with an interpretation of the lyrics, to great comedy effect. It seems YouTube is teeming with them, and here are...