Dog 2.0

Dog 2.0

Nearly at a week into my two week jaunt over here in California. Having a great time, and naturally missing Sooz and our little doggies. So, Sooz [uploaded an update on the pooches]( which I know some of you will...


Internet people, meet Pepper, Pepper, meet the Internet people: This is our new mini long-haired dachshund, Pepper. My other half, Sooz, has set up a new community that tracks the fun and games of our two pups, Frankie and Pepper. Go and see...
We will always love you

We will always love you

This has got to be the hardest blog entry I have ever written, as tears stroll down my face. I never ever thought I would need to write this so soon. Last night our sweet little dachshund Banger passed away. As we got to our friends house for her to look after Banger...