Reasons Why I Love My Desktop

Reasons Why I Love My Desktop

I remember when I first got involved in Linux and Free Software, the Linux desktop was a pretty ugly place. Much of the reason for this was that getting a graphical display running was in itself a bit of a luxury, and one earned with lots of config file hacking and...
Ubuntu 11.04 To Ship Unity

Ubuntu 11.04 To Ship Unity

Mark just announced at the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Orlando that we will be shipping the Unity environment in the Ubuntu desktop edition. Unity is the environment we shipped on the Ubuntu Netbook Edition for the first time in Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, and users...
Reasons Why I Love My Desktop

Awesome GUADEC Espresso and Coffee Bar

I have always been a fan of helping in any way I can to encourage people to support small organizations and businesses who are doing their best to be successful by working hard and providing a friendly, honest service. For the earlier part of this week I am in The...
Sound Indicator

Sound Indicator

I am totally digging the sound menu that is shipping in the development branch of [Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat](): It feels well designed, implemented and sleek. Great work mpt and Conor!