Busy days

Busy days

Wow, life is busy right now. Lots of things going on, and lots of preparation for some big things. Here is whats filling my waking hours these days: – [LUGRadio Live 2006](https://www.lugradio.org/live/2006) planning is going apace. We have pretty much...
Thinking about GNOME 3.0

Thinking about GNOME 3.0

As many of you will know, I am quite the usability pervert. Understanding how people use computers and creating better and more intuitive interfaces fires me up, and the mere idea of GNOME 3.0 is interesting to me. The reason why I find GNOME 3.0 exciting is that it...
Microsoft supports OpenDocument

Microsoft supports OpenDocument

Well, after years of pushing the interoperability line, Microsoft do seem to be actually entertaining the concept of working with others with the announcement that Microsoft Office 2007 with support OpenDocument Format. I am sure the news sites will be crawling with...
Thinking about GNOME 3.0

Building the Perfect Audio Editor

In the past, I have gone into quite some detail about why I believe that the current crop of Linux multi-trackers are not up to the job for both recording my own music and recording [LUGRadio](https://www.lugradio.org/). To remedy this, Aq and I sat down for a few...