Kick Out The Jam

Kick Out The Jam

LoCo Teams! We need you. The [Ubuntu Global Jam]( is happening in less than a month. Help bring Free Software to the masses. Organize an *Ubuntu Global Jam* event. Anyone can do it, you don’t have to be a developer or...
Weekly Ubuntu Q+A Videocasts

Weekly Ubuntu Q+A Videocasts

For quite some time now I have been running a [live weekly video Q+A session]( in which I invite the Ubuntu community to join me and ask questions about the project, seek clarification on Ubuntu decisions, as well...
Weekly Ubuntu Q+A Videocasts

Open Source Health With FitBit

As some of you might remember, I have expressed concerns at times about the physical health of some folks in our community. Some of us are overweight, spend too much time in front of a computer, have less-than-stellar diets, get little exercise, and boast about...