by Jono Bacon | Sep 7, 2011 | Community, Planet Ubuntu, Ubuntu
Want to record a screencast in Ubuntu? Charles Profitt in a smack of irony that even the most ironic of hipsters would admire, has recorded a *screencast*…about how to make a screencast in Ubuntu. Great work, Charles! See the video [right...
by Jono Bacon | Sep 6, 2011 | Planet Ubuntu, Ubuntu, Usability
Before I get started I want to provide a cast-iron caveat here: *I am not a professional interface designer*. While I have an interest in interaction design and usability, it is not my profession and most of my experience is from working on spare-time projects and...
by Jono Bacon | Sep 5, 2011 | Community, Planet Ubuntu, Ubuntu
The Ubuntu community, like many communities has different methods in which we identify and elevate the privileges of those who actively participate and contribute good work. As an example, if you do great packaging and development work, you can get upload access to...
by Jono Bacon | Sep 5, 2011 | Canonical, Planet Ubuntu
Yesterday was my five year anniversary at [Canonical]( I know people tend to get pretty gushy on anniversaries, so I am going to keep this as short as possible. When I joined Canonical life was quite different to how it is now. I was living...
by Jono Bacon | Sep 2, 2011 | Planet Ubuntu
Back in June I wrote a blog entry called [Better Community With Better Technology]( which discussed some ideas about how we can better integrate our Ubuntu community work into the...