by Jono Bacon | Oct 20, 2011 | Canonical, Community, Planet GNOME, Planet Ubuntu, Ubuntu
Seven years ago Ubuntu 4.10, the Warty Warthog, was released. It was the very first Ubuntu release. I remember when it came out, feeling like this was the right step forward for Linux and Free Software. While the technology looked awesome (removable USB with automatic...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 19, 2011 | Community, Planet Ubuntu, Ubuntu, Ubuntu LoCo Teams
Just a quick reminder that today (Wed 19th Oct 2011) I will be running my Ubuntu Q+A live videocast. This is an hour of Q+A where all questions about Ubuntu, Canonical, or anything else are welcome. It takes place today at **11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern / 7pm UK / 8pm...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 18, 2011 | Canonical, Community, Planet Ubuntu, Ubuntu
Today two important meetings took place in the venerable `#ubuntu-meeting` IRC channel that I wanted to point out. * Firstly, the first meeting of the newly elected *Community Council* took place. You can [see the log...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 18, 2011 | Community, Planet Ubuntu, Ubuntu
Our community has a wealth of experience. Different skills, capabilities, life experiences, and perspectives all contribute to a boiling pot of knowledge that when shared can help us all to do great work as part of our different Ubuntu community teams. When we can...
by Jono Bacon | Oct 17, 2011 | Community, Ubuntu
Benjamin Kerensa from the [Ubuntu Oregon]( LoCo Team has got something rather familiar inked on his arm: Badass has a new name. Wow. Is now the time to tell him we are changing the logo? Just kidding. Respect,...