Kudos, LibreOffice

Kudos, LibreOffice

I just wanted to offer my thanks to the [LibreOffice](https://www.libreoffice.org) team for their continued efforts in slimming down, refining, and bringing new features to the office suite. People sometimes talk a bit of smack about LibreOffice, but the team has been...
Kudos, LibreOffice

Calling All Twisted Daemon Experts

…I know…most metal blog post title ever, right? I wanted to ask for some guidance from some of you *Twisted* Python folks. I have written the backend process for [Ubuntu Accomplishments](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accomplishments) using Twisted, and...
Good vs. Bad Trophies

Good vs. Bad Trophies

Recently I have been blogging about the [Ubuntu Accomplishments](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accomplishments) system that I have been building. While the feedback has been very positive, I know a few people are a little uncertain about the concept of trophies in a...