…I know…most metal blog post title ever, right?
I wanted to ask for some guidance from some of you *Twisted* Python folks. I have written the backend process for [Ubuntu Accomplishments](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accomplishments) using Twisted, and everything is running all nice and async.
As I build towards getting my work into a state that I can package, I need to turn my backend process into a real service that can be started automatically when the user logs in. To do this I believe I need to make this a real daemon that can be started, stopped, and restarted, and works as a background process.
So, essentially I want to convert my existing Twisted process into a daemon. You can [read the code here](https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jonobacon/ubuntu-accomplishments-system/trophyinfo/view/head:/daemon/libaccomplishments-daemon/daemon.py) to see what I have done with Twisted, and the branch is `lp:ubuntu-accomplishments-system`.
Any advice would be wonderful. Thanks!