Ten years ago today we started [LugRadio](https://www.lugradio.org). For those of you who don’t know what LugRadio was, it was a podcast that some friends and I did that took a loose, fun, and eclectic look at Open Source and Linux. It developed a bit of a cult following to the point where 40+ people still hang out in the #lugradio channel today.
A am proud of what we achieved with LugRadio. Over 100 shows, 7 full-time presenters and countless guest presenters, 200+ hours of audio, 100+ guests, 2million+ downloads, multiple awards, 1000+ forums members, 40000+ forums posts, 6 live events in two countries, 5000+ emails to the show and an incredible community of people who surrounded the show, discussed it, got involved in some way, and otherwise gave us all immense enthusiasm to keep doing it.
I remember the day I started discussing the idea with [Stuart Langridge](https://www.kryogenix.org), stood in my kitchen in Wolverhampton after a Linux User Group meeting, and I don’t think either of us would have ever dreamed of how far it went.
If you want to get a good idea of the show, check out the excellent documentary about LugRadio called [Don’t Listen Alone](https://dontlistenalone.org/) by [Tony Whitmore](https://tonywhitmore.co.uk/).
Although LugRadio is now wedged in the historical record, the good news is that there is a new kid on the block in the form of [Bad Voltage](https://www.badvoltage.org).
Much is the same as with LugRadio (four presenters, show every two weeks, a focus on informative but entertaining content) but we don’t just limit the show to Linux and Open Source and we also cover technology, politics, gaming, and more. Check it out [here](https://www.badvoltage.org).