The [Ubuntu Developer Summit]( is the primary place where we discuss, debate, and plan the future of Ubuntu. The entire event takes place online, is open and accessible to all, and every session is recorded so everyone can see how decisions are made. It is a useful, fun, and rewarding event to join.
My apologies for the delay in announcing the next event. The last few months have been somewhat hectic and we wanted to wait for some confirmed conference/sprint dates across Ubuntu Engineering and cross-check those with our release schedule before committing to final dates so we can ensure as many people are there as possible.
I can now confirm that our next Ubuntu Developer Summit will take place from **Tues 11th March 2014 – Thurs 13th March 2014**. I wanted to let you all know ASAP so you can get it in your calendars. []( is updated and ready to start having sessions added or proposed.
This next UDS will look and feel much like the last one; the same tracks and format. The feedback we have received from the last UDS suggests that the changes we made were well received. As ever, your feedback is always welcome.
If you want to have a session at UDS, please see [this guide]( for how to propose it. As usual, feel free to ask for help from myself or Michael Hall, David Planella, or Daniel Holbach,