[Bad Voltage](https://www.badvoltage.org/) Season 1 Episode 8 ‘We Don’t Need Roads’ is [available now](https://www.badvoltage.org/2014/01/30/1×08/).
In this show Jeremy Garcia, Stuart Langridge, Bryan Lunduke, and myself present an hour of talk about leafblowers, dust-resistant paper, fruitflies, and:
* Back to the Future II, the 1989 film, predicted a raft of technology for 2015. With only a year to go, is anything they suggested even close to achieveable?
* We speak to Matthew Garrett, notable Linux kernel hacker and commenter on security, UEFI, and hardware about the NSA in your firmware, why computers are more compelling than fruitflies, and his work at Nebula on providing trust to the cloud
* Guns. As a followup to our previous discussion about 3d-printing of guns, we talk about the issue of whether guns are a good idea, the arguments for and against gun control, and how this differs internationally
* The second half of our predictions for 2014: Bryan and Stuart give theirs
Go and [listen or download](https://www.badvoltage.org/2014/01/30/1×08/) the show now and [share your feedback on the forum](https://community.badvoltage.org/t/1×08-we-dont-need-roads/130).
Today we also launched our first competition, the [Bad Voltage Selfie Competition](https://community.badvoltage.org/t/the-bad-voltage-selfie-competition/134) where you can win a free bundle of O’Reilly books if you are the winner or runner up. To find out more [head over here](https://community.badvoltage.org/t/the-bad-voltage-selfie-competition/134) and join in the fun!