With the [Ubuntu Accomplishments](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accomplishments) project continuing to grow with work now firmly going into the 0.3 release, fixing bugs, and working on a web gallery for trophies and opportunities, there is a lot of exciting work going on.
It is really important that we can grow a healthy, diverse, and welcoming Ubuntu Accomplishments community. As such, to get the ball rolling in growing our contributor community, we are going to be having online IRC meetings every two weeks.
The first one is today/tomorrow (based on where you are) on **Thurs 28th June 2012** at **6pm UTC** (7pm UK / 11am Pacific USA / 2pm Eastern) in `#ubuntu-meeting` on freenode IRC.
So who is the meeting intended for?
The meeting is an opportunity for us to meet as a team, discuss progress, discuss challenges, assign and agree on work and more. We would like to invite those of you who want to participate to join us too. We need help in many areas…programming, documentation writing, testing, translations, and more. Be sure to join us!
You can also join us in our IRC channel in `#ubuntu-accomplishments` on freenode and on our [mailing list](https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-accomplishments-contributors).