On Saturday I [blogged with a call for help](https://archivedblog.jonobacon.com/2012/04/07/translation-help-needed-how-to-translate-ubuntu-accomplishments/) in providing localized documentation for the different opportunities available in the [Ubuntu Accomplishments](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accomplishments) project. Since then there has been [many wonderful contributions](https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community-accomplishments):
Congratulations to the German community for being the first to to provide the first entirely localized set of accomplishment documentation! Your contributions will make participating in Ubuntu and elsewhere easier and lower the bar for entry for joining our community. 🙂
It is great to see the *Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Albanian, Swedish, Polish*, and *Italian* documentation making such wonderful progress too. IF you speak those languages, be sure to hop in there and help. 🙂
**To you want to provide documentation in your language, see [this post that explains how to get started](https://archivedblog.jonobacon.com/2012/04/07/translation-help-needed-how-to-translate-ubuntu-accomplishments/)**.
While on the subject of translations, we also need translations for the daemon and graphical client. If you can help, click below:
* **[Click here to translate the Ubuntu Accomplishments daemon into your language](https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-accomplishments-daemon/trunk)!**
* **[Click here to translate the Ubuntu Accomplishments viewer into your language](https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-accomplishments-viewer/trunk)!**
Thanks everyone, for your wonderful contributions!